Chudomir House-Museum
Chudomir (a real name Dimitar Hristov Chorbadzhiyski) is a Bulgarian humorist, painter and artist born in the 1890s in the village of Turia. Today his home house has been turned into a museum.
Temple-memorial “Nativity of Christ” in Shipka
You can not miss the golden domes of the temple from afar. The monastery was erected in memory of Russian soldiers and Bulgarian volunteers who died during the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-1878 was built in the style of Russian churches of the XVII century. The words of Bishop Methods Kusev during the dedication of the September 15, 1902 “This temple will testify to a sacred act done by the Russian people and will think of a sacred duty that the Bulgarian people have accepted.”
Thracian temple in the Shushmanets mound
It is situated near the town of Shipka. It was discovered in August 1996. It consists of a wide corridor, an anteroom with a semi-cylindrical vault and a round dome chamber, whose surfaces are covered with a finely shiny white plaster. In the center of the antechamber there is an exquisite Ionian column, and a massive Dorian column rises in the center of the round chamber. The plastic decoration of semi-columns and pilasters reflects the religious and philosophical ideas of the Thracians about the construction of the world. The tomb has been robbed since antiquity, and its use dates back to the 4th century BC. Its unique architectural design makes it one of the most representative works of Thracian architecture.
The Thracian tomb of the Kazanlak
It was discovered accidentally in 1944 by soldiers in the digging of an anti-aircraft refuge. It consists of a corridor, a rectangular front and round burial chambers. The general concept between architecture and frescoes, the unique style and artistry of the artist make the tomb at Kazanlak one of the masterpieces of Thracian art and the ancient cultural heritage. In 1979, it was declared a monument of global importance protected under the auspices of UNESCO.
Historical Museum “Iskra” in Kazanlak
Founded in 1901, the Historical Museum “Iskra” is one of the oldest, richest and most famous regional museums in Bulgaria. It contains more than 70,000 original exhibits, reflecting the rich material and spiritual culture of the Kazanlak region.
In the museum you can see the permanent expositions of the archeology departments, “Revival”, “New Story”, “Ethnography” and “New History”. Interest in tourists include collections of bones of the bones (the largest in Southeast Europe), medieval ceramics, cool and firearms, jewelery and costumes from the life of the Kazanlak people in the past.
Chudomir House-Museum in Kazanlak
The home of prominent Bulgarian writer, artist and public figure Dimitar Chorbadzhiyski – Chudomir in Kazanlak was declared a museum the following year after his death – in 1968. The museum complex includes the house of Chudomir with its unique atmosphere; Artistic and documentary exposition, located in three halls with a total area of 300 square meters; A modern fund storage and a cozy conference room with multimedia equipment.
It stores more than 15,000 original manuscripts, drawings, sketches, letters, books and personal belongings of Chudomir and his wife, the painter Mara Chorbadjiyska.
Rose Museum in Kazanlak
Kazanlak is the only one of its kind Museum of the Oil-bearing Rose. The first museum exposition was opened in 1967. It is located in Rosarium Park and has a rich collection of objects, photos and documents revealing the history of the Bulgarian oil-bearing roses. The museum can also see tools for processing rose gardens, containers for storing and exporting rose oil and water. A rose oil store was also restored and the first rose oil research laboratory was established in 1907. A remarkable subject in the museum’s exhibition is the rose oil pot (competition), which was last used in 1947 But the aroma of roses is still worn by him.
Museum of Photography and Contemporary Visual Arts in Kazanlak
The first in Bulgaria museum of photography and contemporary visual arts. Artifacts, which gave the beginning of the photographic life in the Kazanlak region – glass plates from the 19th and early 20th centuries, old cameras.
The museum maintains a permanent photogallery, with works of visiting photographers in time, as well as works by the authors already established in Kazanlak and nationally.
Музейният комплекс „Христо Ботев” в Калофер
Мемориална къща-музей: Къщата, в която най-дълго е живяло семейството на Ботев. Възстановена през 1942-1944 г. по спомени на Ботевия брат о.з. ген. Кирил Ботев и по-възрастни калоферци. Експозиционна зала: Построена през 1973 г. В експозицията преобладават фотосите и снимковият материал. Оригинални експонати са: единствените запазени лични вещи на Ботев – джобен часовник и писалищни принадлежности; печатната преса “Знаме”; печатната преса на Димитър Паничков. Паметникът на Христо Ботев от 1930 г.: първият паметник на Ботев в Калофер, автор Кирил Георгиев; Паметникът на баба Иванка – майката на Ботев, авт. проф. Мандов.
Паметник на Бузлуджа
Решение за изграждане на Дом-паметник на Комунистическата партия се взима от Секретариата на ЦК на БКП на 11 март 1971. Строежът му започва през 1974 г. и се финансира с дарения на стойност 14 186 000 лв. Дом-паметникът е открит на 23 август 1981 г. лично от Тодор Живков.
Архитектурният проект е дело на колектив, ръководен от арх. Георги Стоилов. Конструкциите са проектирани от колектив, ръководен от проф. инж. Добромир Коларов. Сградата има визуална прилика с Олимпийския Стадион в Монреал, както и със сграда проектирана около 1955 г. от Франк Лойд Райт на Гръцка православна църква в Уисконсин, САЩ. В строежа участват някогашните строителни войски и доброволци-бригадири. Ръководител на грандиозния обект е командирът на старозагорската строителна дивизия генерал Делчо Делчев.