гр. Павел Баня

Medical Procedures

Уникални процедури, прилагащи се само в Клиника за рехабилитация „Д-Р ГЕЧЕВИ” е комбинацията от ултравиолетови лъчи (УВЛ) в съчетание с компреси от водно-солеви разтвори /морска луга/.

Light therapy:
– UV rays, Solux
Electrotherapeutic procedures:
– Galvanic – DC, galvanization
– Impulse current low-frequency
– Diadynamic currents
– The midrange currents
– Interference currents,
– Ultrasound – phonophoresis,
– Magnetic Pulse Field.

Kinesitherapeutical procedures:
– Manual medical massage.
– Medical gymnastics  – active and passive, including Swedish wall and Rosher cage,etc.
– Medical physical healing gymnastics  – individual.
– Medical physical healing gymnastics  – group.
– Manual therapy.
– Laser therapy, acupuncture, acupressure.


– Thermal salts
– Preloads / Pomorie mud /
– Lye compresses and others.

Unique procedures that apply only in the Clinic for rehabilitation “Dr Gechevi” is the combination of ultraviolet (narrow band or UVB) combined with packs of sea lye. Another established procedure is the combination: a magnetic pulse and saline. They cause hyperemia within the section and have a great trophic effect, especially in degenerative joint diseases.
– Mud is used in the form of mud applications – general and local.




UV наколенки и термосоли

Интерферентни токове


Магнитно-импулсно поле


Kinesitherapy procedures

Лечебна физкултура

Лечебна физкултура

Лечебна физкултура

Лечебна физкултура


– Mineral baths, combined with aromatherapy.
– Underwater (hydro) massage.
– Underwater physical healing gymnastics representing a group or individual gymnastics in the pool with mineral water.




Подводна гимнастика

Джакузи с ароматерапия

Тангентор /подводен масаж/

Подводна гимнастика

The method of underwater extension – method of prof. Georgi Gechev who applies it in the resort of Pavel Banya since 1973 – more than 45 years

Clinic for rehabilitation “Dr. Gechev” owns the trademark of EU STM012843199 “GECHEV’S APPROACH”, which is registered in the EU Office for Intellectual Property, Alicante, Spain, the former Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs ) (OHІM) for goods and services in classes 5, 10, 11, 35, 37, 41 and 44 of the International classification of goods and services.

The methodology is based on 3 major orthopedic principles:
1. Relaxing the spine together with all the muscles of the body to avoid painful muscle tightness during the next step.

The aim is achieved by fully immersing the body in mineral water using special traction installation.
2. Extension is performed with maximum traction that patient tolerats well, and that in anesthetic position. This posе in 95% of cases is on patient’s back with bent legs /William’s position or fetal position/.
3. After the extension to ensure the immobilization in the same position within 2-3 weeks. Thus nerve tissue elements in the spine are released from compression, begin to function normally and the healing process is faster compared to treatment, which includes many procedures or medications without correcting the disk defect.






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